Help Kerala

Help Kerala Get Back On Its Feet

Hundreds dead; thousands displaced and many more rendered homeless.

Indeed, the recent floods confronting the coastal state of Kerala have been unparalleled in intensity and destruction, possibly the worst ever natural disaster in the last 100 years. The entire state seems to have come to a standstill even as the state machinery is reeling under the sheer pressure of rescuing, sheltering and feeding its stranded citizens. But amidst the chaos and commotion, what stands out is the sheer resilience of the human spirit, which can be seen not only among the flood victims but also those brave men and women who are tirelessly carrying out rescue and relief operations. It is precisely this fighting spirit that we wish to salute-and support to the best of our ability. These efforts are being led by Society for Integrated Sustainable Development–an NGO working in the field of rural and urban development for over 20 years now.

As things stand, the water has receded and people are moving back to their homes. However, fresh challenges await them, namely shortage of drinking water and adequate sanitation. Both the ground water and surface water reservoirs have been contaminated. Our team is working night and day to provide water to people in Wayanad. The aim is to cover the whole state within a few months. Measures to restore Sanitation will be our next step.

As of now, we are providing a hand pump operated water filtration system in both the rural and urban areas of Kerala. Soon we plan to set up portable bio toilets as well. Areas which do not have electricity can also use this equipment.

However, as in the case of other good work, we need as much support as we can get from all of you. Naturally, shortage of finances tend to slow down work. But the need of the hour is to reach out to maximum people in the minimum time. To that end, we appeal to all like-minded citizens and organizations to come forward and help us with whatever amount possible.

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IFSC Code : CORP0000472
Branch : Kanpur
Corporation Bank

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