“The Mission of organization to work for generation of Sustainable livelihoods through Appropriate Science and Technology interventions.”
Corporate Objectives
- To identify the needs and problems of the people, the skills available and the material available.
- To innovate, modify, reorient technology, marketing and economic components of existing enterprise or devise new ones to generate processes that provide sustainable employment while considering
- Environment – resource conservation
- Local skills and materials – efficient utilization
- Energy concerns – sensitization
- People issues – sustainable livelihoods and sustainable development
Corporate Strategy
- To work with the village community to identify critical aspects of their life where technology intervention can generate appropriate products and wealth.
- Special concentration on women empowerment through women base small
- Conduct applied R&D to modify and adopt existing techniques and technology for better productivity, higher safety and more profitability.
- Conduct training programs for skill up gradation.
- Development of technology packages for setting up small-scale enterprises.
- Form network partners who can augment our efforts through sharing of experiences and input of knowledge and finance.